If you choose our travel planning services, we want the process to be as simple and satisfying as possible. We think holistically and your travel experience and are there to help at each step along the way.
We love to start with a call to understand what you want to do, but we can also work entirely over email if it’s more convenient for your schedule. We get to know you and discuss where you want to go, with whom, and when, but also why you are going and what you want to feel. From this, we can start outlining an itinerary that will inspire you.
To prepare an itinerary, we charge a minimum $350 planning fee for our time. Pricing varies for longer and more complex trips, but we can book single hotels free of charge. Read more about our pricing. To start, we prepare a few draft itineraries based on your preferences. After getting your feedback, we incrementally refine your trip into the ideal itinerary. We’ll do as many revisions as needed to get it right.
After you have confirmed the quote for your itinerary. We take secure payments for hotels, ground transportation, and activities. Payments can be made by either credit card or wire transfer. Downpayment amounts depend on the providers, but most trips require 20% down. Travel insurance is more important than ever, so we can discuss options at this point as well.
Packing and preparation are half the fun if you do it right. We provide books, curated playlists, and destination information as an appetizer to your travels for trips over $5,000.
We don’t forget about you once you’re on your way. We can help smooth over the unexpected bumps in the road. We also hope to have peppered your trip with surprising, delightful, and profound moments.
Welcome back! We’d love to know how it went so we can continue to improve our services. If you’re a happy customer, we can discuss planning your next adventure.
We believe travel can connect people with profound moments in nature that have the power to transform. We use only the top nature-oriented hotels and lodges, combined with a background in storytelling and sustainability to create trips that can change you and possibly the world.
We also believe in giving back to the places that have given so much to us, so 10% of our profits are donated to local wildlife conservation organizations.
We take time to truly listen to you to understand your needs and design a trip to engage all of your senses in the present moment throughout your journey.
Every good trip is a good story, and we use our editorial background to write one for you. We create itineraries that are well paced, meaningful, and surprising.
Above all else, we want to give you the best trip possible. That means using providers that practice sustainability, so you can feel good about your vacation.
You have a plethora of choices when booking an epic luxury trip, and we have the expert knowlege to make your travel dreams a reality. Contact us for a free consultation to discuss your options.